Monday, March 23, 2009

It's been too long

sorry everyone, i hope you can forgive me for the insanely long gap in my writings. Anyway, AFTER ROME; went to Solferino to shoot the short movie. the crew was fantastic and they all were really nice and tried to speak English (I tried to speak Italian) And i got to help out a bit with the whole process and it was really cool to see how the film process works. It is quite the interesting field. Anyway, it's gonna be an awesome movie and I think I'm gonna get a copy of it. WOOHOO! also, the hotel I stayed at in Solferino was great and had killer food. I think I gained like 20 pounds in those 5 days. But after that adventure, we went to Milan and I got to see some studios that make theater sets, post-production work for movies and independent video installations and productions like that. I loved getting to see the kinds of things that I could get into as a career. Also there is a killer pizza place in Milan and a great bookstore. I got 1984 and a great Kurt Vonnegut book from there. OK so after that, I went to Bern, Swizerland to stay with my first couchsurfing host, but I got there and he was not there. Or at least not answering his doorbell, so after waiting for about an hour outside his flat, I scrambled to find a hostel for the evening, found one, stayed there and met the guy in the morning. He had fallen asleep and apparently is the heaviest sleeper ever. anyway, I stayed with him that day and the next checking out Bern. It's a nice town with some great places to just sit and think/read/write. They also have a bear pit. Like next to the river there is a tourist center with a bear pit outside of it. Weird. AFTER BERN I came to Barcelona and not 20 minutes off the train a lady and her husband/boyfriend stop me and tell me i have some crap on me, i set my bags down to wipe it off and I look away for no more than 5 seconds, when I look back, my computer bag was gone! I could not find the robber and finally asked the Subway workers and security what to do, they said i could file a report but there wasn't much i could do. Anyway, my computer is passowrd protected so they can't access the harddrive but I contacted Apple and they will know if anyone tries to sell it. The only other loss was a few books. I was halfway through Trainspotting, bummer. Oh well. I am changing plans a bit now though and heading back to familiar places for a bit. I think I will skip Paris and head back to Germany, I feel a bit more comfortable there. So there is your update and your song of the week is....(drumroll please)....Shortly Before The End by OKGO